A lot of people have probably already noticed that I'm back:) I've had all sorts of problems and I've also had a pretty bad covid.
But let's get to the good stuff. I am now starting to work on the 30th update SOB English version. As a base will be taken from the Russian version of the game. Her by the way you can download for free on the tracker pornolab.net
There you can download all my games for free. I will be very glad of your support in the form of a donation via paypal and good wishes:)
I am also trying now to open a page for games on subscribestar.adult so that I can support both games in English. They are taking a very long time to check, although it's only been a couple of days.
Stay tuned, I'll post more as there will be other news. And of course when I finish the 30 english update for SOB