Thats what we have in the game:
Now our baby can get pregnant, but truthly saying only from one character so far, (SPOILER! – this one charachter is grandfather, don't ask why, it was just more simple) It is connected with such a fact that it is necessary to do many reactions and it is better to try to relaise pregnancy on one NPC WHo knows, maybe something has to be changed. How can she get preg? I will answer - in traditional way:D And if you don't know about it what a fuck you play porn games?:d
What can desturb it? There are several factors! Firstly - condoms! If u doesn't want to get preg, then it is necessary to buy condoms. But some characters don't want to use it, what to do than? Then use birth-control pills, they give almost 100% protection. By the way you can drink them in any place, and even to include them in the automatic list of dids when Sonya leaves the house. Why just almost? - you will ask. Because there is one more factor, it is a cycle. Yes, it is added to the game too! There are safe days for sex, dangerous and "red" days. In dangerous days even using pills can not protect. The cycle of the healthy woman is taken as a basis. Still cycle can change every month, but not a lot. So, don't relax!
So, I told you about an opportunity to get pregnant and how to avoid. Now what wait us when our hero is pregnant! First of all there is a test for pregnancy and it is possible to check is she preg or not:D You can buy in a drugstore (pharmaсy) in shopping center (also you can buy pills there). Ok, and what to do if your hero doesn't need a child? Then it is possible to make abortion, but only to a certain term, the more term the more expensive will be price of the procedure. It is possible to make it in hospital in Leninskiy district (here you can also get born your child). By the way pregnancy can not only be determined by the special test, but also implication of symptoms, they will be displayed in information menu and some of them will even influence on your appearance.
When our girl get preg - her life will change, her physical state and the attitudes of surrounding characters to her. Girl will quicker get tired, will eat a lot, she won't be able to physically work. Her mood can change in minute, so keep an eye on her. Our baby would be fatter and her tits bigger. By the way, it will be possible to see in information menu, in the mirror and in different actions.
Besides physical changes it will be possible to see also social changes around our hero. Yes, all characters will react to pregnancy and will do it differently. Thats why it is necessary to include your brain because not all characters would be happy that their favourite Sonechka has suddenly got pregnant. So we act accurately, otherwise it is possible to make many mistakes.
About pregnancy duration! It is reduced because 9 months for a game is too long, pregnant woman is very limited in the opportunities especially on late terms. it means that she couldn't do several months a lot of things in the game world. Therefore the term of pregnancy will be about 90 days. And 60 days she will act without any restrictions, after 60 days - you cant make abortion.
What would be after childbirth? There will be a child, you can give him your favourite name, other actions won't be yet. Children will be displayed in the information menu, so far only there. How many children can Sonya give birth? As much as necessary, there are no restrictions.
What about events? I will answer - Sure! A lot! Not with all NPC (just 8). And who are these lucky persons? Here they are:
Step dad
Uncle Misha
Events - means sex, if you didnt get what I mean! Other NPC have just reactions on her pregnancy!
Detailed list:
- The bug with automatic reception of vitamins is fixed- Mobile calls are fixed
- Display of elite footwear is fixed
- Birth control pills are added
- They can be accepted most in any place or to add in automatic list
- Pregnancy test is added
- It is possible to use it in the house in bathroom
- The system of pregnancy is added
- Pregnancy symptoms are aded
- Number of kids - unlimited`
- All your children will be displayed in information menu
- The system of periods is added
- The periods would change a little every time
- During regnancy hero would have chenges
- She wants to sleep more
- She wants to eat more
- Mood can change fast
- Won't be able physically work
- Won't be able to do to power trainings
- At in general fat volume in an organism will be enlarged
- Tits become bigger
- Also during pregnancy would change a game environment
- Display in a mirror
- Status pic in information menu
- Display usual house actions (Dreaming, bath, masturbation etc.)
- Reaction of all characters in the game
- Some eventes and actions will be inaccessible
- The hospital in Leninsky district is added
- There it is possible to make abortion
- There it is possible to born your child
- Brother
- Events in a bathtub are added
- Events in the hall are added
- Events in the kitchen are added
- Events during the sleep are added
- Watching TV events are added
- Grandfather
- Events in the hall are added
- Events in bedroom are added
- Kate
- Events in the hall are added
- Nayebayko (Brainfucker)
- Eventes in bedroom are added
- Stepfather
- Events in a bathtub are added
- Events in badroom are added
- Events at work are added
- Events in the hall are added
- Events in kitchen are added
- Shket (Artem)
- Events in a bathtub are added
- Events in the hall are added
- Uncle Mischa (Michael)
- Events in the hall are added
- Eventes in bedroom are added
- Tamara
- Events in the hall are added
- Events in a bedroom are added
- With other characters reactions without sex are added
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I see trees of green! Red roses too!!